Cultivating an Anti-Racist Support Network for Transracial Adoptees

Adoptees of color who are parented by white people have different needs than their non-adoptive counterparts and are well-served by thoughtful attention to the intersectionality of race, culture and identity by all in their life - not just their parents. This workshop is fully customized and invites all of the people in that child's life to come together for a 2-hour virtual workshop, facilitated by Angela. Families leave with a deeper understanding of how transracial adoptees grow through the development stages of racial awareness to racial identity, and practical skills for how to handle insensitive or racist remarks.

This workshop is a fully customized and interactive 2- hour workshop designed for your transracial adoptive family and members of your community network (family, friends, neighbors, church community, & coworkers). This is your event - you get to choose whom you invite (up to 80 Zoom screens)!


This package also includes:

  • 1:1 preliminary consultation with Angela to discuss your goals for the your workshop

  • Free download of the Closure documentary (for all of your invitees)

  • Recording of the workshop for review and accountability.

Foundational discussions:

  • Racial norms in America

  • Racism within child-welfare systems

  • Strategies & Role-Play

    • Responses to adoption-related microaggressions (i.e. “Where is his real mom?”, “How’d you get them?” etc.)

It was really heartening to see that not only our family was invested in Ari, but also our friends!
— Kelly Merrick (transracial adoptive mother)
  • You answered questions that I’ve never been brave enough to ask! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    — Grandmother to an adoptee

  • There are so many messages that you were able to express to our community that were challenging, new, and nuanced for them. Through your amazing facilitation, incredible listening skills, and generous spirit, I think you helped them take a first step or two on what is a lifelong commitment of work.

    Adoptive parent

  • Watching the faces of my family members on the webinar was incredible. I saw openness at their growing awareness of how complex adoption is, and hopefully the beginning strains of a family that sees the whole child and values the needs and feelings of the child's birth family as much as ours (or more!).

    -Adoptive dad

  • It was humbling and inspiring to witness you leading our family to the recognition that love and sincere empathy, while wonderful and necessary ingredients, cannot by themselves overcome centuries of racism and white supremacy."

    -Aunt to a transracial adoptee